Weighing your food is strange, difficult, time-consuming… annoying! You don’t have the patience or the time for it! You just want something simple and easy to do, get it done and then, move on.

Changing your lifestyle and healthy habits for good, though, takes time, and… patience! It also takes clear direction and instructions that you can follow. It’s not super complicated but it does take a bit of detailed step-by-step to get to where you want to be with your weight, once and for all!
The metabolic balance ® programme is highly personalised to the smallest detail. It gives not only a list of foods for what your body needs but it also gives you specific grams for each food you will be eating. For example, I had the goal of losing 10kg and given my height is 155cm, I had in one of my menus a lunch of 105g of poultry, 125g of salad, fruit (each fruit is different amount – papaya, for instance was 155g for me) and 50 g of rye bread. Each meal will be of similar formula but it will be strictly individual for you and your current health state. This is why we run a blood test and discuss medical history before the metabolic balance® personalised nutrition programme is created!
The main reason why the food menu is so specific and you have to be bothered with weighing your food during the programme is because its goal is to give you only what you need in terms of minerals and nutrients so that we balance your body. the combination of foods includes the right amounts of protein, carbs and fats for you. Weighing your food won’t be forever. Once, we build your habits and we achieve your health goal, we will slowly remove the scales since you will have the knowledge of what you will need for the future. The scales are only temporary!
Contact me on contact@healthyb.co.uk for a free consultation on personalised nutrition.