Nutrition and Well-being Coach
BA (Hons), MSc, MSc PgD
Certified metabolic balance ® Coach
Qualified in Personnel Development (CIPD-accredited, MSc, 2012, King's college), I focused my corporate career in helping employees achieve work/life balance through psychology, engagement and wellbeing. After 10 years in the corporate world, the revelation was that healthy eating habits are an essential part of achieving this balance. Certified as a metabolic balance ® coach through the German programme in London, I am helping clients discover the potential within themselves by simply choosing the right foods for them.

My Mission and Focus
It all started with my parents. They went through this journey themselves and have had fantastic results. Both at the end of their 50s back in 2018, the selection of natural foods helped my parents overcome the stress in their jobs, my mum as a doctor and my father as an engineer running both businesses of their own. Both of them, individually, experienced high blood pressure and unhealthy weight. After the programme, they each discovered new side to themselves and have made a fantastic lifestyle transformation.
My focus now is to use the experience I have with my family and numerous other clients and help people in similar situations. Situations where a new phase in your life can take a life of its own due to personal and work responsibilities, all resulting in unhealthy habits and health problems. Moving into your 50s or progressing into life doesn't have to be stressful and energy-draining, it can be just the next exciting phase in your life. All we have to do is fine-tune the body and the mind.
Most of my clients are professionals over 50s. They appreciate the prescriptive step-by-step approach on what exactly they can eat, how and when.
The programme can bring many benefits, you can:
Lose the weight for good reaching a healthy BMI Index
Manage blood sugar levels with natural foods reducing or even stopping medication (suitable for patients with Type II Diabetes)
Improve gut health and reduce inflammation important for people with autoimmune diseases such as crone’s or ulcerative colitis
Improve visibly skin health and physical appearance
Help the recovery process after an operation
What are your health goals?
​The metabolic balance ® offers a personalised meal plan that will reset your metabolism and get you going. Sticking to the plan will require persistency and discipline but I will be there to guide you through the process. Get in touch today to book your 30 min free appointment.